Quick Looks

Manufacturer: New Ware
Name: Titan II Test Vehicle Mark 4 Reentry Nose
Scale: 1:144
Kit contents: 23 resin parts
1 photoetched part
Comments: This kit represents the test version of the Titan II ICBM with the early Mark 4 warhead. The resin airframe parts are solid with amazing, crisply molded details and no visible airholes. The engine bells are nicely detailed and hollow. Extra parts are included in this kit. All resin parts are still attached to their pour plugs. The interstage truss at the top of the first stage, the first stage thrust structure and display stand parts have flash that needs to be carefully removed. The instructions include a short program history, detailed graphical assembly steps with detailed insets, a template for cutting sheet styrene to use as a base with the included resin parts, and a wraparound painting and decal guide.
Order from: New Ware
ing. Tomas Kladiva
Klimkova 5
710 00 Slezska Ostrava
email: tom.nwkits@seznam.cz
web: http://www.mus.cz/~ales/newware/
(as of 8/5/13)
$45 plus shipping

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Sven Knudson