Quick Looks

Manufacturer: New Ware
Name: Lunar Module Detail Set (H mission)
Scale: 1:48
Kit contents: 107 resin parts
89 photoetched parts
Comments: This kit is intended to be used with the Revell-Monogram "First Lunar Landing" LM kit. It corrects the kit's inaccuracies and provides detail parts that would otherwise have to be scratchbuilt in order to depict an H-mission moon lander (Apollo 11-14). The resin parts are very nicely molded with crisp details and no visible airholes. Some of the parts (such as the vent hoods) are quite tiny: you'll be needing tweezers, a magnifier and patience when working with them. The replacement RCS nozzles are nicely hollowed out. Extra parts are included for these really tiny bits, a very nice touch. Most of the resin parts are identified by numbers on their pour plugs which will greatly help in assembly. The photoetched parts are also identified by numbers etched next to the parts. Even with this help, you'll still need to study the instructions carefully before and during assembly. The instructions break the assembly into graphical steps and include the modifications required to accurize the Monogram kit parts, in addition to showing where all the fiddly bits go. You'll also need to supply some bits of wire and plastic rod not included in the kit.
Order from: New Ware
ing. Tomas Kladiva
Klimkova 5
710 00 Slezska Ostrava
email: tom.nwkits@seznam.cz
web: http://www.mus.cz/~ales/newware/
(as of 12/6/10)
$47.00 plus shipping

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Sven Knudson