Quick Looks

Manufacturer: New Ware
Name: World's First Spacewalkers
Scale: 1:24
Kit contents: 15 resin parts
Comments: The kit parts are beautifully cast with crisp details and no visible airholes. There is some thin flash between the legs of the Alexei Leonov figure and on the handle of Ed White's umbilical bag. All parts are still attached to their pour plugs: you will have to be exceedingly careful when removing the zip gun parts as they are quite delicate. You will have to supply some wire of various diameters and some pieces of foil that aren't supplied in the kit to complete the figures. No display stand is included: the instructions suggest anchoring the wire umbilicals to a wooden block. The instructions also show a photoetched plaque is to be attached to the block, but there was no such part (I'm assuming it's a nameplate) in my kit. The instructions include exploded assembly drawings with painting and decaling details and an overview of the space walkers written by Barry Davidoff.
Order from: New Ware
ing. Tomas Kladiva
Klimkova 5
710 00 Slezska Ostrava
email: tom.nwkits@seznam.cz
web: http://www.mus.cz/~ales/newware/
(as of 12/6/10
$67.00 plus shipping

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Sven Knudson