The 1976 Aeronautic & Space Company Catalog

Catalog cover Click on the cover image to get to the beginning or end of the catalog, select an item from the table of contents below, or (if you're really ambitious), download the PDF version (you may have to 'right-click' on the link and select the 'save target as' option to download the files rather than try to load them into your browser). The most current version of the Adobe Acrobat software may be obtained free of charge from the Adobe web site:

I want to thank Charles Russell for loaning the catalog for all of us to enjoy. Thanx!

Table of Contents

  • Air Strider
  • Cirrus-1
  • Cirrus-2
  • Dragonfly
  • Matterfly
  • Scorpion
  • Windrift
  • Xebec "A"

  • Back to the model rockets page

    Ninfinger self-portrait
    Sven Knudson