Quick Looks

Manufacturer: Stratosphere Models
Name: X-38 Crew Return Vehicle
Scale: 1:48
Kit contents: 10 resin pieces
5 white metal pieces
styrene covered wire rod
brass rod
styrene strip
Comments: The kit parts are solid resin, with a smooth surface finish and crisply molded details. There are a few airholes evident in the main (and substantial!) fuselage. The parts are still attached to their pour plugs which need to be carefully removed. The provisional instructions that came with my kit include side and front view drawings along with detail drawings on how to build the landing gear using the included rod and strip parts. They're in French, but it's not difficult to figure out what to do. Or you can use the new white metal landing gear (sent along after I received the kit). An included note also mentions that the cockpit 'window' ended up being about 1/2mm too far to the left. If you want to correct it, you'll need 0.010 styrene sheet and a file. The box cover has a photo of the real vehicle that helps as a painting and decaling guide.
Order from: Stratosphere Models
2940 Barclay, No. B
Montreal, Quebec

email: stratospheremodels@yahoo.fr
web: http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?username=stratospheremodels
(as of 5/08/01)
$59.95 (US)

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Sven Knudson