Please realize that these photos do little justice to the incredible work on most of these models. Attending an IPMS National always brings out conflicting feelings in me: I'm inspired yet intimidated by the entries. I was so intimidated this year that I really didn't try to finish my mostly completed model in my hotel room: I fully intend to rework the silly thing so I won't be embarrassed to put it next to the other entries. I mean, I'd hate to hear people whisper, "Well, it's a nice try for an eight year-old, but shouldn't it be in the Junior category?" Suffice it to say that my painting and finishing skills are woefully lacking. I'll keep working at it until I get it right! Oops... sorry about the rant, there.
I've tried to correctly identify the name of the modeler (and those that won), but it's possible that my notes are wrong. I was unable to get the names of a lot of the X-1 modelers, since they set their models directly on their entry sheet. It was impossible to check the name without moving the model... So if you can identify an modeler I couldn't, or you see that I've made an egregious (or even a minor) error, please let me know. You can just click on the first photo in the table and then traverse along, since the entire list is linked.
These photos are mere shadows of the real things. The quality of the craftsmanship really has to be seen to be believed. If you can, try to attend one of these conventions sometime. Besides all the fantastic models to look at and all the wonderful things you can find in the vendors room, the people that attend are truly fun people to be around. The next IPMS/USA National convention will be July 1-4, 1998, in Santa Clara, California. For more info, write:
IPMS Semicon
PO Box 62156
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-2156
And it's not too early to start planning for Orlando in 1999!